Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Idlyically Human?

The last few weeks have shown me how un-idyllic it can be to be human.

Most if not all of you know about some health problems I'm having which has slowed me down on writing since I got out of school on the 12th.

The 3rd I was tested again for anemia to see if the iron had helped at all, which it hadn't sadly. I was then sent for more blood work, these results were not positive. On Thursday the 11th, I went into the ER, with a tachycardia (fast heartbeat), which is a symptom of what they believe me to have. Tomorrow before they will allow me to go in for my rescheduled bone marrow test I am going for a heart ultra sound.

My best friend, my heart and soul, thankfully is a nurse and is standing beside me throughout this ordeal. I would also like to thank those of you who have listened to me rant about doctors, have encouraged me and love me through out it all.

If I lose my hair, I'll need you all that much more!

I will be starting on the book as soon as my days aren't filled with doctor appts.

1 Comment:

  1. Michelle D. Argyle said...
    I'm excited for your new WIP, Rie! And I'm always here if you need me.

    *lots of hugs and encouragement*

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