Thursday, December 18, 2008

Business Side of Publishing

I thought I'd give you a run-down of some of the best links I've found to help me on the business side of publishing.


CC-the best site EVER! Not only do you find the best friends on the earth, but you can expand your writing beyond your horizons!

Ywriter-Freeware to make your life as a writer just a touch easier.

Dictionaries- Visual learners and for those quick checks.


Agent Query- the best place to find agents of worth

Free Pdf file on how to write a query by Noah Lukeman

A great site to download a free tracker of who you've queried.

3-Publishing a great site for finding an online publisher to make a name for yourself.

There are 2 great sites for romance writers who don't want to go the route of an agent. Dorchester who publishes such people as Leigh Greenwood of the Cowboy series and Harlequin.


Any successful author has to promote their work and you can do this free on such sites as, Twitter, myspace, and facebook. Don't forget to also have a blogger as most of you already do.


  1. Michelle D. Argyle said...
    Hey, thanks, Rie!

    These links are great. I still need to put some of them to good use. :)
    Captain Hook said...
    You missed step 1.5 - Rewriting/Editing (Nasty 4 letter word edit is).

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