Friday, August 15, 2008


So I haven't given anyone a true update for some time.

Since this is supposed to be a writerly blog I'll start there. I haven't written in ages. I don't see the time coming in the next week, but soon I will sit down to write.

Next: dogs

Fi-great though is having some asthmatic problems. She's as sweet as always.
Lil' Bit-actually better than great. I love her to pieces.
Coco-She's annoying as usual and is having a rougher time since I'm never with her anymore.

Getting ready for back to school:
Computer-I got a red Dell which I'm in love with
Phone-I got a new Blackjack II it's precious and let's me check CC and e-mail anytime I want
Car-I got a granite/slate colored Cobalt. I love it. I got it today. Must make cd's for.
-I'm getting accessory plates for it. Front-Lil' Sis Back-I still haven't decided.
-I'm getting pink heart coverings for it.

Tomorrow I go to Stillwater, then Enid, then Lindz's and I'm already exhausted.


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