Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

So quick rant then I'll get on with my post.

If I don't know you please don't comment, if I do know you comment away, under a name I'll recognize. Or I won't post it. Thanks.

Okay on to regular programming.

I just got back home today. LONG trip. Not all of it fabulous.

I didn't write while gone, but I did get some crits ready that I'll type up within the week.

Okay so trip...

Wed-flew out. Good flight...well...not good flight...we arrived an hour late and left 20 min early. The pilot got lost, we had turbulence, but it was fun.

Thursday-Went to Loveland to join Elden for Christmas.

Friday-Finished Christmas shopping.

Sat- Had actual family Christmas. I got a ton.

Sun-Had HUGE fight with Elden, which I'm still pissed about.

Mon-Went to Denver Natural History Museum. Awesome! Loved it! Will post pics later.

Tues-Went to Molly Brown House and Heritage Square.

Wed-Flew out again.

Okay I did the run down...tomorrow I'll try to do something thought provoking.


  1. Nayuleska said...
    You're one busy girl!

    How are you feeling? Thinking of you Rie.

    (tis me, hyper Yuna)
    marieconley3 said...

    Yuna girl!

    I'm okay! Thanks for asking!
    Laura said...
    Rana here,

    Wow, Rie! Sorry about the fight and the lousy flight, but the rest sounds fun. I hope you're taking some time to rest now, though. Crits can wait a little while.
    Michelle D. Argyle said...
    You ARE busy! So... what did you get? I haven't read your other posts yet, so sorry if you tell that in those. :)

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