Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Love this song!

I have heard this song on the radio a ton of times and it always makes me stop and go back to a place I haven't been in a while. Tonight I saw the video for the first time and it just is one of the best I've ever seen. Sadly I can't find one that I can embed.


I am psyched about getting more time to write and I have a bag of books to get myself started on reading again. I have about a month off soon.

During that time, me and Mom are going to Branson. There is a Dolly Parton concert that I want to attend and since Grandma Cloyce died we don't have an actual Christmas, so we are traveling for Christmas.

Next semester I have to rededicate myself to school. I need to get great grades and really start my pre-law classes. By Dec. next year I should be in the Masters program for psychology and hopefully I'll get a BHRS (Behavioral Specialist) job at Choices or another counseling agency in town. While still getting my Bachelors in History and Masters in Psychology in Alva.

This March I have two bills I want to get on the legislatures desk. Both I think would lower the rates of child abuse in the state of Oklahoma.

I don't have a closing paragraph other than my head hurts.


  1. Michelle D. Argyle said...
    *hands over aspirin*

    A month off!??? YES! We can chat all the time, right?

    I'll listen to your song when I'm back home. I'll let you know what I think. :)
    marieconley3 said...
    Yes, all the time.

    The song is sorta sad, and I'm not sure of it's meaning but I like it.

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