Saturday, October 25, 2008

~Friday thoughts~

So, I'm thinking. This may be a lame attempt at a poem or it could be just a string of words, but here it goes.


I love him, I love her.

I miss him more, but I need her more.

I don't know what to do without him, but living without her for a moment in time is like living without my heart.

I pull, I shove, he never budges. I pull, I shove, she swings with me.

Who do I turn to? Where do I go?

To him or to her?

Do I really have to make a choice?


So you can believe it's about anything you want to believe it's about.

Today was busy, I baked for the bake sale. A pecan pie (my favorite, I made an extra for myself), Reese's pie, Pumpkin pie, and two cakes, Strawberry and Chocolate Swirl.

I shopped for a ton of stuff. Including my Halloween costume. I'm not usually into the Halloween thing, but this year I have a Halloween office party to attend. So I got a costume of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, including the red shoes. They are my favorite part of the costume.

Tomorrow I go to the bake sale and try to raise more money for OIL.

I found out that my Grandma's best friend died. All in all it was a pretty great day.


Oh and I told you I wouldn't be writing about writing for awhile, but I am seriously thinking about Nano and my goal is now to write 20k for Day instead of writing a whole new story.


  1. Michelle D. Argyle said...
    Yay for finishing novels!

    What word count are you up to yet?

    I like your poem. I like it a lot. You'll have to give me more insight as to what it's about. :)

    Dang you. Pecan pie.


    Sorry about the death. Feel better soon, please.

    marieconley3 said...
    Something like 70,000 words.

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