Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Terrible 2's or puppy days

She is still cute, but oh so annoying.

She has me on the constant run and she bites. She bites a lot. She has bitten me 3 times this morning. Once she got my entire hand in her mouth.

Now she is sleeping on the couch. First time I've had a moment to update.

Writing has been non-existent, but I'm going to write today even if I have to crate her. I shouldn't have to.

I'm mad at both Rock and Love for the first time in conjunction ever.

I'll write something puzzling about writing after I settle down.

1 Comment:

  1. Amy Laurens said...
    Hoorah for puppies! She's gorgeous, Rie! :D

    Don't know how interested you are in the training side of things, but I have links to a whole bunch of sites that were a godsend in terms of training Laura - included anti-biting! :) Just give me a shout if you're interested :)

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