Thursday, May 22, 2008


I've been thinking about moods this morning.

The stages they go through.

Last night I was angry (dogs barking), then sad (uncle died), then content (Rock-enough said), then hurt (I broke my wrist).

This morning I've been happy (Mom being pretty perfect), philosophical (art-What is art?, and content (looking at babies).

So as author's it is our job to show these transitions in our characters, but what about the sudden emotion changes. Such as last night on American Idol, George Michaels came on before he did they sang Father Figure. I had a violent reaction to it. Minutes before I'd been completely calm and then all of a sudden I had enough adrenaline to put my finger in my ears even that of my broken wrist.

I was like "MUTE IT"

How do we know what will be the trigger of violent reactions for our characters? We are to make them as lifelike as possible, right? It can be something so small.

I remember after Love and me broke up the first time the smell of his cologne made me break down.

So during that horrible black moment I'm going to make Abigail have something that just makes her break. It can't be music, as they didn't have radio. It can be a scent, but what scent?

What makes people tick? What little things makes you have a reaction?

Like the moon? Does everyone feel the same every time they look at it that I do? Does everyone have the sense of awe? Does everyone look at it and say we are all globally connected? Or is it because my favorite lullaby is "I see the moon, and the moon sees me, and the moon sees the one that I want to see, So God bless the moon, and God bless me, and God bless the one that I want to see"?

So we need to know more about our characters than we even know about our best friends. I have no clue what a trigger for Lindsay would be. What makes her think about Matt more? What makes her sad? See these are things I should know, but I just don't.

And just so those onlookers now. Lindsay is happy with her bf, but that doesn't mean Matt doesn't haunt her thoughts. I'm happy with Rock, today, but that doesn't mean "Father Figure" doesn't remind me of the pain he's caused me. And I still love Love's cologne, makes me want to crawl up into his arms.


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