Wednesday, October 1, 2008

21st BIRTHDAY!!!

Oh and did I mention I now have blue eyes? Yeah, I'm going a bit wild, but what is to be said for turning 21 if not wild? (oh and couch is ugly, but it's grandma's old people have NO taste.)

So I've had a few questions on what activities I'm participating in for my birthday.

Today, actual birthday, sorta got ruined, but I made the best of it. Or tried. I had to be away from my girlie. Her house got robbed, which made her horribly upset as it should. Poor baby. :(

I'm now off to bed, cause I have to clean in the morning and then on Friday we head to Stillwater, for a concert and then on Saturday at 3 I have an appointment to get a tattoo. 4 butterflies. Shall post pics later.


  1. Liana Brooks said...
    You are planning to live to 22, aren't you???
    marieconley3 said...
    Me? Of course! I'm going to live to 22!

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