Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I've been thinking about this post for awhile. I want to share something with you all that I don't share with many.

My prayers.

I learned that one of the best ways to pray is with you're hands reminding you.

First the thumb-the person closest to you. I always put Rock here. No matter how angry no matter what. He may not be the closest person to me at the time, but he needs the prayers. I always pray that he will make the right decisions and that he won't screw up his life.

Index finger-Family leader- Mom, she drives to work on no sleep. I'm always worried that she will wreck. So I pray for her safety.

Middle-Country-I pray that we find the right leader. We are in troubled times.

Ring-is the weakest finger so you pray for the weakest person-Before Grandma died she was in that place. Now it's Sissy.

Pinky-last is for yourself-I pray that I will find happiness in the small things.


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